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Pecado é o descumprimento de uma lei moral divina ou, em outros termos, o ato de violar a vontade de Deus.[1][2][3][4]


  1. Action and Person: Conscience in Late Scholasticism and the Young Luther Michael G. Baylor - 1977, "defined sin, in an objective sense, as contempt of god" page 27
  2. The Theology of the Oral Torah: Revealing the Justice of God Jacob Neusner - 1999, Page 523
  3. The fall to violence: original sin in relational theology Marjorie Suchocki - 1994 Page 29
  4. Five Views on Sanctification - page 188, Melvin Easterday Dieter, Stanley N. Gundry - 1996 "The other is 'deliberate violation of God's known will"
